【幻塔】メリル・アムドDPSショーケース (テストサーバー)【Tower of Fantasy/ToF】

※ 当サイトはアフィリエイト広告を利用しています

注意事項:本実装で調整が入る可能性があるため、ガチャを引く前に動画内のSimulacra & matrices DATAの性能数値と正式版の数値を比較しておくことをおすすめします。

Note: Due to the possibility of adjustments in this implementation, we recommend that you compare the performance figures of the Simulacra & matrices DATA in the video with those of the official version before pulling the gacha.
It seems that the triple mask has a higher damage increase value than the official version (12 to 16%?). However, in order to simplify the verification procedure, we are using the triple mask. I think there is no problem in the comparison among the compositions because I use it in all compositions.
Edit error: Yanuo Comp INHABIT – Roslyn
Pure Altered Bioelectric Control Rifle → Thalassic Herat



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BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XM8kiCI-B88

0:00 OP
0:04 Meta Comps
0:08 Lin Comp
2:43 Nola Comp
5:20 Nan Yin Comp
7:54 Other Comps
7:57 Fortitude Comp
10:31 Nola + Nan Yin
13:07 Nola + Lin
15:44 Nan Yin + Lin
18:19 Old Comp
20:55 Simulacra & Matrices DATA
