[MMD] [Tower of Fantasy] The legendary return of Meryl / 兰若KDA《the baddest》

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#TowerofFantasy #ToFanmade #AidaPioneer #ToF #幻塔 #ToF2ndAnniv #ToF2ndAnnivCollection #MMD #Meryl #梅丽尔 #Red #Gesthos #兰若 #KDA #thebaddest

Meryl returns to our meta teams, and now with electric power!

¡Regresa Meryl a nuestros equipos metas y ahora con potencia eléctrica!

Model: Tower of Fantasy
Stage: Winglayer / Kira Sky
Motion: 兰若_Ruo
Camera: 曦词
Music: 兰若KDA《the baddest》
MME: AutoLuminous4 / HgSAO_v002 / HgSSAO_v003