We chillin’ bruv

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Peak Guardian tales arena skills
I do have one good fight (And another one where me and my opponent just play like absolute bogus) albeit, it feels a bit boring since Idk what to put in
It could be like, normal arena fight video like Lulleh style, except it’s me, and we all know, everyone that fights me is pretty much suddenly lose like half of their battle experience to even out the match

But that’s just Guardian tales for u, also, coop expedition pants ( A little rant)
Like, if there’s already 4 players on the lobby, can you just like, press accept? Like why would you cancel, it’s so annoying to queue due to how global server is mostly just dying, and waiting one to queue the correct role takes quite a while (Not forever thankfully), but eh, it’s beta sooooooooooo

I will make another SKP video soon, probably asmr style, and it’d be the last video for SKP, since the game is basically just grind your gear, reroll stats, reroll fatebound, then push valkyrie content. And that is not fun for me, some might enjoy, but I don’t

Don’t mind my descriptions, I usually just pour whatever is on my head atm, so it might sounds like ramblings, whether it has something to do on my video or not :v


Tipping jar, thankyou 😀

