[PSO2:NGS] All-Ship LTQ 16/16 – A Grand Series of Ruins Battles – Ships 1/2/3/4 – Sl/Bo POV 2:24

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Thank you to @addythaladdy2656 for being able to share his network with me in connecting Ship 1, 3, and 4 together with us in Ship 2 ~
Also thank you to those of you who took the time out of your day to participate on stream with us. 💕

I usually keep LTQ speedruns on stream ~ but I felt this one was important enough for a video with it being the very first All-Ship Quest that we can time attack in. I met a lot of players that I’ve only heard of or watched videos of before ~ It was really wonderful being able to finally play with everyone! Being able to bring the time attack communities from every ship together for one big quest sounds like a new type of content that we’ll soon be able to do often, as long as Sega keeps supporting all ship matchmaking.

I mention this in the video, but I do want to start having regular overview voiceovers for my videos from now on ~ hopefully they help in some way or another!


1) Katia (Ship 2 – Sl/Bo)
2) helvian (Ship 2 – Gu/Te)
3) Terakado Tsuu (Ship 2 – Br/Bo)
4) Serafall (Ship 2 – Fo/Bo)

1) Kaistara (Ship 2 – Bo/Fi)
2) Mitch (Ship 2 – Fo/Te)

1) Addy (Ship 1 – Ra/Bo)
2) Finn (Ship 1 – Hu/Bo)
3) chi (Ship 1 – Br/Te)
4) Mami Sasazaki (Ship 1 – Te/Bo)

1) Gingerbread (Ship 3 – Sl/Bo)
2) Val (Ship 3 – Fo/Bo)
3) twoleafs (Ship 3 – Ra/Bo)
4) Spica (Ship 3 – Bo/Te)

1) Rakkimora (Ship 4 – Wa/Bo)
2) Maple (Ship 4 – Fi/Bo)

00:00 – Quest Run
02:41 – Overview

I’m an Official NGS Content Creator and also stream on Twitch. Feel free to stop by! 🌸


