PSO2NGS Sign of the Planetbreaker Rank 2 (Malignant Dark Falz Solus) Duo Gu/Ra POV 13:21

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Kat’s POV:

A much more fun version of the last version of this quest, as there’s more engagement, and every attack ends in a period of vulnerability in phase 2, unlike rank 1 where its entirely possible to have nothing to do for 40 seconds. It does feel like they did respond to the general opinion of rank 1 – too much RNG, too much dead air – and alter the fight in a way that made it better, and gave him some gold armor drip to top it off.

I’m still using the burn build from last time, copied to two other weapons. However I’ve experienced that the burn build starts to fall off if you’re switching weapons, as the 100 PP counter seemingly resets to zero if you switch even between two weapons with Burn Up on them. This makes maintaining the status even harder for a Gunner. Staying at low health is also quite daunting in phase 2/3, as there can be some nasty overlaps, desync issues, and unlucky wall placements that will kill me if I’m not fully healed. Burn upkeep was also timed perfectly to drop as I use my PB on first break, and there was seemingly no answer for this; maybe bringing Aimless Rain type 2 would have helped, or leaning more on IR instead of BR.

I use the Unwix here to separate from the Blight as it technically is more damage to ignore a blight round if the only parts available are all non-weak by default (x1.25 (purple blight) * x1.05 (crisp meat) – x1.3125 versus x1.15 (unwix 5) * x1.15 (blight self benefit) = x1.3225.) Since it is comparing a Wingard with an Eredim, it may probably break even or even go in favour of the Wingard on blight approach; but the benefits of me splitting up are numerous, including:
– Blight management is easier as I’m not introducing unknown damage to it and Kat can manage it a lot easier
– I don’t have to worry at all about a part breaking at a random time, it is more predictable when I’m the only damager
– I’m almost guaranteed to receive a laser every time it occurs (it seems if you’re the only one in a given quadrant you’re extremely likely to get one, and the laser attack is now spammed more mostly because of the Frostyl-type sphere attack being removed).
– If we’re both behind Solus, he will do an annoying 180 spin and clap his hands instead of doing something useful and predictable; by being split, it’s a lot more likely one of us is in front
– Being spread massively reduces the odds of the now uncounterable tunnel attack, which is a complete waste of time

A recurring issue was our break being specifically bad to the point that the second arm would close during break as it would occur within 15 seconds of the arm’s timer expiring, forcing us to wait for another egg. Kat removed Gradual Pressing from her weapon and this stopped happening, and as such she is now a Tri-Shield disciple. This lower break felt better as there was greater odds of the second break being at an okay time, and not being ended prematurely by transitioning.

Lasers represent an easy opportunity to perform one of the big finishers, and in an LRA-active scenario, I want to and can do CPB SRA CPB 1/2PB pretty much every time it lines up. If you want to up your game, increasing the number of those you do here is important (in a solo scenario you probably want to do the triple step counter instead). Some more discipline on when to finish might end up being better because there’s plenty of finishers here that miss due to arms flailing around.

The spinning wall segment is absolutely hilarious if you have a Rifle (you can hear the fall guys music), as the balls can be chain-countered while avoiding the wall. However there appears to be some sort of desync where balls will randomly pop despite neither of us getting hit by them. This can cause you to fail a counter and slide into the next ball and die. You also have to hope that Solus does a stab within the next two moves or else all the mines will disappear, but the payoff is worth it, and what else are you gonna do?

There’s several errors here, but as far as first day runs go this is plenty fine compared to how it started. I lose out on one PB because I got distracted by the early wall in P3, not remembering that I can just PB immune the whole thing; and since I’m the Wingard user, that’s a lot of lost damage.

All in all, if you’re not running a 1HP build like me, this fight is pretty damn easy. The rewards are dog shit though like what the fuck I got like 6 NeosAs in 5 hours

0:00 Phase 1
6:06 Phase 2
10:47 Phase 3

