PSO2NGS GUNNER EXPANSION!!!: Broken World (Level 85) Gu/Ra 1193.0% 4:22.744

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This run is almost identical to the last one, just that the boss takes way less time due to the player power scaling really hard. It still is all about dropping mobs off the edge, which goes against the whole thing about this record being an acid test for the Gunner expansion. This is not the most flashy showcase – it’s hardly a showcase at all – but I am still cooking.

The expansion didn’t give us anything super relevant to this; the wider Stylish Roll Arts is the most impactful change here, but I don’t really use it here. It does have its uses in other content, but ricochet is just better at chain building here.

This was an earlier run, so the first half is aggressively mid to say the least. This happened to be the run that executed the enrage skip perfectly, securing a 30 second time save as a result; something I never got to work last time, so an improvement has at least been made.

When Dark Magilz enrages, his top priority is to perform the really long enrage move; but he cannot do that if you are not in front of him. There is a small region where he will opt to clap over any other move, which is the only move that can cause him to fall off the edge (I hear the drill move can also do this but there are stricter requirements on this move to occur which basically act as precautions against him falling off). If done incorrectly, he will rotate, or do a fire implosion, then instantly go into the enrage as the angle is now right to do it. You also have to be in the correct range to enable the clapping move, which is an incredibly thin line, as too far will cause some other move, and too close will cause a rotation. What makes this so hard is that you can’t control where he is and where he’s facing at the moment of enrage, so you have to hope that he is facing near tangential to the platform edge. In this run, the angle was perfect, and I got the correct AI.

The only backup is to break the wings to interrupt the enrage attack, but it’s insanely hard to balance the damage such that the wings are _nearly_ dead when most attacks pierce the body and hit the wings; and even then, I never had a run where the wings broke.

I opted to not use a lot of mine counters because it’s a slippery move that makes me lose my position, and my position is important to get Magilz to back up gradually to the other side of the arena. I technically didn’t get a lot of value out of my subclass, but I also didn’t get much value out of Slayer sub either in future runs. Unironically, Hunter sub would have saved a few seconds with Partisan movement.

This was perhaps the worst place to pick to demonstrate the difference that a class expansion has done, because there’s little to no combat to speak of; it is its own metagame. Never mind the fact that we got so much fluff that it wouldn’t have shown itself in anywhere like Narrow Cage.

